


values are rc4-encrypted, key(s) obviously in the code. function lt() and co. handles decryption:

function cy() { ... } // snipped for readability.

function ure(t, e)
	let r = [],
		n = 0,
		i, s = "",
	for (o = 0; o < 256; o++) r[o] = o;
	for (o = 0; o < 256; o++) n = (n + r[o] + e.charCodeAt(o % e.length)) % 256, i = r[o], r[o] = r[n], r[n] = i;
	o = 0, n = 0;
	for (let l = 0; l < t.length; l++) o = (o + 1) % 256, n = (n + r[o]) % 256, i = r[o], r[o] = r[n], r[n] = i, s += String.fromCharCode(t[l] ^ r[(r[o] + r[n]) % 256]);
	return s

function lt(t, e)
	const r = cy(); // see above.

	return lt = function (n, i)
		n = n - 106;
		let s = r[n];
		return s = ure(s, i), decodeURIComponent(s)
	}, lt(t, e)